Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Book lists

Book list.
The hunger games series - Suzanne Collins
Wolf hall - Hilary Mantel
Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
A passage to India - E M Forster
The man who knew infinity: A life of the genius Ramanujam - Robert Kanigel
The Song of Troy - Colleen McCullough
The book thief - Markus Zusak
The War of the end of the world - Mario Vargas Llosa
The long ships - Frans G Bensrsson
Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Nero's Heirs - Allan Massie
Mary - Vladimir Nabokov
Ponniyin Selvan - Kalki: ongoing (yes, in tamil!)
Quicksilver - The Baroque Cycle - Neal Stephenson

Turn left at Orion: A Hundred Night Sky Objects to See in a Small Telescope - and How to Find Them - Guy Consolmagno
Stargazing basics - Paul E Kinzer

Masters of Rome series - Colleen McCullough
Conqueror series - Conn Iggulden
The Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica series - James A Owen
Never let me go - Kazuo Ishiguro
Waiting for the barbarians - J M Coetzee
The Finkler question - Howard Jacobson
A place of greater safety - Hilary Mantel
some crazy books by Donna Leon, just before we went to Venice :)
Sea of poppies - Amitav Ghosh
River of smoke - Amitav Ghosh
The Prague Cemetery - Umberto Eco
The Lacuna - Barbara Kingsolver
A song of ice and fire series - the first 3 books - George RR Martin
The once and future king - T H White
I, Claudius - Robert Graves
The Constant Princess, and The Other Boleyn Girl - Philippa Gregory
Shame - Salman Rushdie
Three soldiers - John Dos Passos
Cats cradle - Kurt Vonnegut

1 comment:

Raghu said...

Heavy stuff! Maybe you should use goodreads.com to keep tabs on your reading and also help recommend stuff to others -- dinky, meki, and I are on it currently.